Did you know:
One in three bites of our food from around the world comes from bees!
Bees can see five times faster than humans can. That's why you are wasting your time trying to swot them away with your hand!
Bees have been on this planet 128 million years, back when dinosaurs roamed.

The Bird Brain team is on a mission to create a herd of bird nerds! Well, they don’t have to be nerds exactly but we want to help children and communities learn and connect with nature through play. We believe this will have a knock-on effect to the care our younger generation have for their gardens, the wildlife living there, and ultimately our planet.
With the help of our corporate partners, we want to inspire a generation of young advocates of our natural environment who have the knowledge and passion to help enhance their local environment.
This will create a real sustainable change in attitudes and behaviour
for future generations.