Yvonne Johnston
Most of us are so busy these days but we still try to carve out some simple time in nature and try and make a positive impact where we can, whether that’s in our home, work or in play. We want to help enhance children’s love of wildlife that is on their doorstep. We want to give them a love that stays with them throughout their life, wherever they are. I'm married to Andrew Johnston, who comes from four generations of farmers and we have three boys, Zach, Archie and Beau. A love of outdoors and animals seems to be in their blood. I am a passionate beekeeper and Zach and Archie have enjoyed learning all about the fascinating life of bees. We try to spend as much time outside as possible... We find it makes everything better. We are lucky enough to live in Co. Wicklow. We have always had a love of nature and are very lucky to be living next door to the family farm, and having Uncle David available to go help shovel some poo, is always time well spent. The boys also have The Birdman, their other uncle living next door.... Eric Dempsey has definitely enhanced our love of birds and has thought us how to attract more to our garden. We want to share everything we have learned about nature with others … and this is our journey…
I am a committee member of the Native Irish Bee Society (N|IHBS) and am finalising my studies in Apiculture in University Galway.
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Eric Dempsey
Eric is recognised as one of Ireland’s leading bird experts and is a professional guide, speaker, wildlife photographer and writer.
Eric is also an experienced broadcaster and a member of the ‘Mooney Goes Wild’ team on RTÉ Radio 1. He is the author of the bestselling Finding Birds in Ireland, The Field Guide to Ireland’s Birds, Birdwatching in Ireland with Eric Dempsey and Ireland’s Wildlife Year And author of his memoir, Don’t Die In Autumn.
Eric was born and bred in Finglas in north Dublin. When he’s not off travelling the world in search of Victoria’s Riflebirds and Tibetan Snowcock, he is found enjoying and photographing our native Irish birdlife in Co. Wicklow, where he now lives with his wife Hazel. Eric is the editor and provided all the beautiful photography for Bird Brain.
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Sean Ronayne
Sean is the Creator of Irish Wildlife Sounds and winner of Sound of the Year Awards 2020 (Best Naturally Occurring Sound). Sean is committed to capturing the sounds of Irish Birds and Wildlife and is Ireland’s leading wildlife sound expert. He lis Bird Brain sound man and has provided the sound clips, all of which he recorded in Ireland, of the species covered in the book and game.
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Tom Hyland
Tom is King of the Reels and is Bird Brain’s social media manager. He is studying Digital Business & Innovation in DCU. When he is not working, in college or Bird Braining it, he is playing football or hanging out with his friends.

Lee-Ann Hyland
Lee Ann provides the Marketing Magic to Bird Brain. She has worked in Marketing for 20 years and has worked in luxury fashion, hospitality and pharmacy retail. Her love of her life is Belle, her two year old daughter. And David, her husband of course.

Giles Smyth
Giles Is an authority on most subjects and is our go to for a lot of things... he has green fingers, and he can make just about anything. He is an engineer and master at ironworks and woodwork. Check out his creations in our Bird Merch section.
These guys were the motivation behind Bird Brain. Fuelling their constant curiosity and love for the outdoors is a full time job! Their love of puddles, animals, bones, feathers, shells and of course poo, is endless!
Zach, Archie and Beau Johnston